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Category: Uncategorized

Why You Need a Personal Property Appraisal in the Sharing Economy

Routine personal property and fine art appraisals are what The Appraisal Group is known for. In this new sharing economy many home owners are making ends meet by renting the family home while they ...

Rules Regarding Ivory in Your Collection

Over the years, ivory has been used in everything from Russian and English miniatures to Chinese carvings. What was once a thing of beauty is now a thing that reflects concern for the world’s endan...

Antiques Fairs & Flea Markets: Can You Trust Them?

With spring comes the opening of the great flea markets and antiques fairs, from Brimfield, MA, Dallas and Round Tree. TX, to Santa Fe, and New Hampshire, Wisconsin and beyond. The questions that h...

The “I Overpaid” Fine Art & Antiques Appraisal

When shopping antiques fairs and flea markets, the visual appeal that captivates you and drives you to purchase frequently over rides the actual value of the item. At The Appraisal Group, we unders...

When Fine Art is Stolen, Held Hostage or Destroyed

While we hesitate to bring up politics or the world situation, art is suffering as it never has before. Today I posted on The Appraisal Group Facebook page ( a drone video of...

The FBI, Stolen Art & Your Fine Art Collection

Are you aware that the FBI maintains a database of stolen fine art and cultural property? The FBI also maintains a rapid deployment Art Crime Team (ACT) that swings into action when high profile ar...

5 Steps To A Successful Fine Art and Antiques Appraisal

Because the world of antiques and fine art is a volatile one in which fair market values can change with the seasons and with taste, an appraisal on your fine arts and antiques, collectibles and co...

Welcome to the Estate Sale Center in New Olreans

Welcome to the inaugural sale at The Appraisal Group’s new Estate Sale Center in New Orleans. This is where I take beautiful orphans families don’t want to send to auction or sell privately. Most o...

Professional Appraisal VS Free Appraisal

I just read a blog on a flea market website that touted the idea that you should try to get a free appraisal of antiques you have in your collection or purchase.  The point of this blog is to clear...

Americana Collector Lewis W. Scranton

When it comes to collecting fine art and antiques, some people just can’t get enough.  One of these is Lewis W. Scranton. a Connecticut yankee whose passion is fine Americana.  Today The Appraisal ...